The first week of August, Beta Chi sent 11 brothers to Phi Delta Chi's national Leadership Development Seminar in St. Louis, Missouri where brothers were able to connect with members from other chapters across the country. Attending national events allow brothers to expand their network and share ideas with fellow brothers from various chapters. LDS specifically focuses on fostering leadership development by holding workshops and activities. Brothers who attend are able to bring back new leadership skills to help their respective chapters grow. 

"LDS was an awesome experience packed with leadership development, interchapter collaboration, and loads of brotherhood. I was able to meet brothers from all aross the country while building myself up as a leader. As I met more and more people, including notable alumni Ralph Saroyan, Nancy Alvarez, and several others, I realized the great organizational complexity and size of the fraternity, and the many opportunities in store for me on a national level. With fresh, new ideas and an understanding of the characteristics of a thriving chapter, I am ready to tackle any challenges that come my way this year as the Fundraising chair and hopefully, one day, as the WCC."

- David Lu

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