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At the core of Phi Delta Chi is our desire to build and maintain a strong Brotherhood. whether it be at our Brotherhood retreats, monthly grill& chills, or just by studying together, Brothers are constantly making memories and having fun spending time with each other. The Beta Chi's 10th Anniversary Reunion was a testament to the strength of our Brotherhood. We had over 70 Brothers, alumni and collegiate, from the Alpha class to the Lambda class, come together and celebrate our chapter's history.



Phi Delta Chi strives to foster and develop leaders, not only in the profession of pharmacy, but also as well-rounded citizens. Over the years, we have created, developed, and enhanced programs and workshops to foster and improve each brother's leadership skills while encouraging younger members to rise to leadership positions and roles. Some of these programs include our monthly Leadership Presentations, Leadership Husky hunt, and the Leadership Retreat. Ultimately, through these activities, Beta Chi Brothers have been able to not only become leaders within the fraternity, but also in the Boston and Northeastern community. In 2018, the Beta Chi chapter placed 1st in the nation for the John D. Grabenstein’s Leadership report.



Phi Delta Chi is a professional pharmacy fraternity focused on working with faculty and other pharmacy organizations to get Brothers more involved int he profession of pharmacy. Our biggest event each year is the Bouvé Health Fair and Flu Shot Clinic, where we work inter professionally within Bouvé to give students free flu shots, health screenings, and information about various health topics. In 2018, our Bouvé Health Fair won Program of the Year at Northeastern University’s Student Life Awards. In addition, we also host events that prepare students going on co-ops and APPE rotations. We are proud to announce that, in 2019, the Beta Chi chapter placed 1st place in the nation for the Nancy A. Alvarez Professional & Service Projects report.



We seek to improve Northeastern University and the Greater Boston community by fostering a spirit of service amongst Brothers. Monthly service events give the opportunity to positively impact the community while enjoying time together. Through the efforts in these regards, the Beta Chi Chapter has established partnerships with organizations like Cradles to Crayons, the Greater Boston Food Bank, Northeastern University Community Ambassadors, and Relay for Life. The Beta Chi chapter has also played a pivotal role in establishing the annual School of Pharmacy 5k, a run raising awareness of antibiotic resistance that began in 2015.



Phi Delta Chi strongly encourages brothers to strive for the best academically as we seek excellence in all our pursuits. Brothers of Phi Delta Chi can be found in both the Honors Program as well as on the Dean's List. In addition, brothers have the opportunity to pursue a global academic experience through the Beta Chi's International Traveler's Scholarship. As a result of hard work and long study hours, we are proud to say that, as of 2015, the Beta Chi Chapter placed 8th in the nation for the Albert Benjamin Prescott's Scholarship report.





Phi Delta chi

On November 2, 1883, 11 men from the University of Michigan came together to form the first professional pharmacy fraternity, Phi Chi. Though, at the time, there were other societies, the founders believed that there should be an organization that was exclusive to the College of Pharmacy. These 11 men will always be remembered by each Phi Dex: Charles Edward Bond, Franklin Herbert Frazee, Llewellyn Hall Gardner, Calvin Pomeroy Godfrey, Adolph Gustave Hoffman, Arthur Gilliam Hopper, Charles F. Hueber, George Pawling Leamon, Arther Sidney Rodgers, Azor Thurston, and Albert Tenney Waggoner. The formation of our fraternity would also not have be possible without the guidance of Albert Benjamin Prescott, then Dean of the College of Pharmacy at Michigan, who was the first honorary Brother. Since then, Prescott's name has been associated with the highest honors and awards of the fraternity.

Originally called Phi Chi, the fraternity eventually changed its name to Phi Delta Chi in order to avoid conflicting with the medical fraternity Phi Chi founded at the turn of the 20th century. Over the years, Phi Delta Chi has chartered over 90 collegiate chapters and initiated 33,000 men and women into the Brotherhood. Phi Delta Chi's purpose has continually been to foster the future leaders in pharmacy. Brothers hold a lifelong connection and many go on to exhibit leadership in pharmaceutical firms, politics, and local areas of ownership.


Beta chi

The Beta Chi Chapter of Phi Delta Chi was founded on January 22nd, 2005 at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts by 14 men. Since then, our chapter has flourished incredibly, rising up to placing 4th in the entire nation two years in a row. Beta Chi is placed nationally in Service, Leadership, Professional, Fundraising, Scholarship and Brotherhood. This was all accomplished through numerous events and all the brothers’ hard work. Among the events we hold is the annual Bouve Health Fair and Free Flu Shot Clinic, which started out small but has now become a school wide affair with participation from various other healthcare related organizations. Beta Chi Brothers also actively volunteer through Cradles to Crayons, Relay for Life, and with the fraternity’s national philanthropy, St. Jude Children’s Hospital. Regardless of age, interests, or personalities, in the end, Brothers always come together for the future and for the growth of our chapter and our fraternity.